
Learn how to transfer fund between Veend accounts and Local Banks

VeendHQ provides a means to transfer funds from a VeendHQ Account to a bank account or another VeendHQ account.

Veend to Veend Transfers

You can transfer funds between Veend Accounts.

Transfer fund to a Veend account

POST {{BASE_URL}}/v1/accounts/{{SENDER_ACCOUNT_ID}}/transfer/{{RECEIVER_ACCOUNT_ID}}?accountId={{ID}}

Request Body

    "status": "success",
    "data": {
        "amount": 50000,

Veend to Local Bank Transfer

To perform a Veend to Bank transfer, you need the Bank code for the destination account.

Bank Code

Bank Code is a unique identification code for a particular bank. The code is used when transferring money between banks.

A productId is required to perform Veend to Bank transfers as we use this to identify what payment product service you request to use.


This productId should be used for sandbox environment - 63b6953d1fd341ee430cbd93

This productId should be used for live environment - 6157842b101720572946579b

Bank Lists

The bank lists endpoint returns a list of supported banks. You can use the endpoint to get bank information such as Bank Name and Bank Code

Return a list of available banks

GET {{BASE_URL}}/banklists?accountId={{ACCOUNT_ID}}

Resolve Bank Account Number

Sometimes you may need to validate a bank account number to confirm the name associated with the account.

Validate a bank account number

POST {{BASE_URL}}/products/{{PRODUCT_ID}}/validate?accountId={{ACCOUNT_ID}}

Request Body

    "status": "success",
    "data": {
        "account_name": "ANGUS BROWN"

Send Money

Transfer money from a VeendHQ account to a Local Bank account.

Transfer money to local bank

POST {{BASE_URL}}/v1/products/{{PRODUCT_ID}}/purchase?accountId={{ACCOUNT_ID}}

Request Body

    "status": "success",
    "data": {
        "purchaseReference": "uniq_ref_060991197",
        "cost": 400,
        "customerFee": 0,
        "cashback": 10,
        "totalCost": 400,
        "description": "NGN400 - Money Transfer - uniq_ref_060991197",
        "currency": "NGN",
        "status": "completed",
        "paid": true,
        "delivered": true,
        "settled": true,
        "canRefund": false,
        "product": "5a9297612032791140ff390f",
        "productsDetails": {
            "owner": "5a762dd910af17001963f22a",
            "amount": 400,
            "bankcode": "044",
            "currency": "NGN",
            "createdBy": "5a762dd910af17001963f22a",
            "narration": "Description of the transaction",
            "senderName": "John Doe",
            "accountNumber": "0690000005",
            "purchaseReference": "uniq_ref_060991197"
        "ipAddress": "",
        "account": "5a762dd910af17001963f22a",
        "deliveryLog": {
            "id": 77585,
            "r1": null,
            "r2": null,
            "ipr": null,
            "ref": "383",
            "iprc": null,
            "meta": "{\"narration\":\"Description of the transaction\",\"sender\":\"Your Name\",\"balance\":49885242}",
            "amount": 400,
            "refund": false,
            "status": "completed",
            "reversed": false,
            "createdAt": "2023-03-01T16:22:34.000Z",
            "updatedAt": "2023-03-01T16:22:38.000Z",
            "beneficiary": {
                "accountNumber": "0690000005"
            "system_type": "wallet-disburse",
            "walletCharged": true,
            "disburseOrderId": null,
            "flutterReference": "TTMW000077585",
            "linkingReference": "04400920021",
            "paymentReference": 383,
            "flutterResponseCode": "00",
            "flutterResponseMessage": "Successful"
        "settlementLog": {},
        "refundLog": null,
        "validationDetails": null,
        "owner": "5a762dd910af17001963f22a",
        "createdBy": "5a762dd910af17001963f22a",
        "client": null,
        "developer": null,
        "tags": "uniq_ref_060991197, NGN, NGN400, -, Money, Transfer, -, uniq_ref_060991197, 5a9297612032791140ff390f,, 5a762dd910af17001963f22a, 5a762dd910af17001963f22a, 5a762dd910af17001963f22a, pending",
        "_id": 76,
        "createdAt": "2018-03-01T16:22:31.000Z", 
        "updatedAt": "2018-03-01T16:22:39.000Z",
        "query": true

Test with this data on test Environment

accountNumber: 0690000005

bankCode: "004"

currency: "NGN"

Last updated