Employees, Payroll And Teams
The Veend Expense Product is designed for Companies to manage employees, teams and payroll on VeendHQ.
The BASE_URL for all Team and Employee request on Test Environment is https://stipendstagingapi.veendhq.com and on Live Environment - https://api.stipend.co
Create and employees on Veend Platform with the Employees API.
Add Employee
To add an employee to your Veend Business Account, the employee must have a user account registered as an employee type.
Registers a new user as an Employee
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
type* | employee | Sets the account type to employee |
If you already have the employee user account, you can add the employee to your business.
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
_id* | String | Employee Id return in the response data above |
employer* | String | Veend Business User Id |
role* | employee | one of these values approver, disburser, employee or admin |
roles | employee | must be same value as the role field |
type* | employee | Sets the account type to employee |
Get All Employees
Get all employees
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
populate | addressBooks |
Get Employee
Get an employee detail
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
populate | addressBooks |
Update Employee Detail
Update an Employee Detail
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
firstName | String | |
lastName | String | |
phoneNumber | String | |
employeeDetails | ||
dateOfBirth | String | |
address | String | |
addressState | String | |
picture | String | |
String |
Employee Details on Payload
Create and manage payrolls to schedule and disburse salary
Create Payroll
Create Payroll
Get Payrolls
Disburse Payroll
Deduct Salary
Deduct amount from salary for a list of employees.
Create teams, assign your employees to teams on Veend Platform with the Teams API.
Create a Team
Create a Team
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
name* | Design | Name of the team |
Delete a Team
Delete a Team
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
name* | Design | The name of the team to delete |
Assign Employee to a Team
Assign an employee to a team
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
teamId* | Team _id | |
employeeId* | String | Employee _id |
Last updated