Employees, Payroll And Teams

The Veend Expense Product is designed for Companies to manage employees, teams and payroll on VeendHQ.


The BASE_URL for all Team and Employee request on Test Environment is https://stipendstagingapi.veendhq.com and on Live Environment - https://api.stipend.co


Create and employees on Veend Platform with the Employees API.

Add Employee

To add an employee to your Veend Business Account, the employee must have a user account registered as an employee type.

Registers a new user as an Employee

POST {{BASE_URL}}/register

Request Body

If you already have the employee user account, you can add the employee to your business.

POST {{ORG_BASE_URL}}/register

Request Body

Get All Employees

Get all employees

GET {{ORG_BASE_URL}}/myEmployees/users?populate=addressBooks

Query Parameters

    "status": "success",
    "data": [
            "payrollSettings": {
                "basic": 60,
                "housing": 24.6,
                "transport": 9,
                "leave": 3,
                "meal": 1.2,
                "utility": 2.2
            "employeeDetails": {
                "banking": {
                    "bankName": "wema",
                    "bankCode": "",
                    "nuban": "2012099330"
                "contractType": "fulltime",
                "staffNo": "0124",
                "grossSalary": 1000000
            "twoFactor": false,
            "accounts": [
            "addressBooks": [
                    "validated": false,
                    "tags": [
                    "_id": "63c12da4c60bbf0013ff3962",
                    "type": "phonenumber",
                    "value": "0988999008",
                    "user": "63c12da4c60bbf0013ff3960",
                    "validationCode": 882286,
                    "createdAt": "2023-01-13T10:08:36.305Z",
                    "model": "Addressbooks",
                    "__v": 0,
                    "updatedAt": "2023-01-13T10:08:36.317Z"
                    "validated": false,
                    "tags": [
                    "_id": "63c12da4c60bbf0013ff3966",
                    "type": "email",
                    "value": "adewaleonamader7898949@gmail.com",
                    "user": "63c12da4c60bbf0013ff3960",
                    "validationCode": 689774,
                    "createdAt": "2023-01-13T10:08:36.312Z",
                    "model": "Addressbooks",
                    "__v": 0,
                    "updatedAt": "2023-01-13T10:08:36.328Z"
            "authentications": [
            "kycVerificationStatus": "not_verified",
            "isBlocked": false,
            "roles": [
            "cards": [],
            "emailVerify": true,
            "completeProfile": true,
            "type": "employee",
            "approver": [],
            "disburser": [],
            "expenses": [],
            "bulkExpenses": [],
            "tags": [],
            "_id": "63c12da4c60bbf0013ff3960",
            "firstName": "jordan",
            "lastName": "Elumelu",
            "referralCode": "DWuoJZxY0a",
            "validationCode": "709896",
            "createdAt": "2023-01-13T10:08:36.299Z",
            "model": "Users",
            "__v": 3,
            "clientId": "426",
            "updatedAt": "2023-01-13T10:10:04.904Z",
            "createdBy": "62bffdf5270d0600135de473",
            "owner": "62bffdf5270d0600135de473",
            "stipendBearerToken": "++oT2WV+hgn4Xr0FReIy/WdZV1Fg8utxKjTPeYVZGM0=",
            "auth": "63c12dfcecd88200134a4fb6",
            "employer": "63bfcc902f650e001389f3ec",
            "role": "63a59d92bf77970014e32d51"

Get Employee

Get an employee detail

GET {{ORG_BASE_URL}}/users/{{USER_ID}}?populate=addressBooks

Query Parameters

Update Employee Detail

Update an Employee Detail

PATCH {{ORG_BASE_URL}}/updateProfile/users/{{employeeId}}

Request Body

Employee Details on Payload

    "bankName":"ACCESS BANK NIGERIA",
   "staffNo": "003",
   "grossSalary": 1500000,
   "contractType": "fulltime",
   "netSalary": 200000


Create and manage payrolls to schedule and disburse salary

Create Payroll

Create Payroll

POST {{ORG_BASE_URL}}/payrolls

Get Payrolls

GET {{ORG_BASE_URL}}/payrolls

Disburse Payroll

PATCH {{BASE_URL}}/payrolls/{{PAYROLL_ID}}

Deduct Salary

Deduct amount from salary for a list of employees.

PATCH {{BASE_URL}}/deduct/payrolls/{{PAYROLL_ID}}


Create teams, assign your employees to teams on Veend Platform with the Teams API.

Create a Team

Create a Team

POST {{ORG_BASE_URL}}/teams?accountId={{ACCOUNT_ID}}

Request Body

    "status": "success",
    "data": {
        "team": {
            "tags": [],
            "_id": "63c3de9184279a0017155d3f",
            "name": "Design",
            "companyId": "63c3ba986d30f000147aad51",
            "createdAt": "2023-01-15T11:08:01.816Z",
            "model": "Teams",
            "__v": 0

Delete a Team

Delete a Team

DELETE {{ORG_BASE_URL}}/teams/{{TEAM_ID}}?accountId={{ACCOUNT_ID}}

Request Body

    // Response

Assign Employee to a Team

Assign an employee to a team

POST {{BASE_URL}}/teams/{{TEAM_ID}}/assignEmployeeToTeam?accountId={{ACCOUNT_ID}}

Request Body

    "status": "success",
    "data": {
        "user": "Lola Asa",
        "team": "Design",
        "message": "Employee assigned to team successfully"

Last updated